
A warm-up proposal

Just to warm up and to show our combined power, I thought it might be fun to create a Breakout-style game. (Breakout AKA Brickles, Arkanoid, Alleyway, etc.) Not just a lame version like the one linked to, but one on par with a Super Nintendo version. Powerups, cool graphics, music, explosions, special bricks, etc. I think it would be pretty easy. If we wanted, we could seriously have this game done in a week or two. The game could have a particular 'theme' or 'look' about it - maybe the ball could be a George Bush or... Steve Irwin face or something. (Is that too disrespectful?)


Benmaster said...

As a side note on this subject, I've learned recently that the Wii will be able to, along with browsing the web using Opera,

Play Flash Games!

Read: you'll be playing minivan madness on the Wii, so we should make sure that we can program in controls for the Wiimote(if that's possible).


Chubot said...

That's fuckin' PHAT!

Dude, we could do some tight shit with that- because you can program mouse controls into Flash- just map the mouse to that fancy Wii magic wand thingy and BAM!

...Well, I'm sure its more complex than that- but thats exciting nonetheless

Chubot said...

I created the skeleton for a breakout type game, if anyone wants to get in on this- you can check it on the main page. Nothing much yet.