
Why Not?

This will be the last Bobby-related post for a while, I promise. I just wanted to let you know that I'm interested to see what sort of scores you can obtain and so I've offered this special edition 'pleasure pak' (pictured) to the individual who can send me proof (in the form of a screenshot) of the highest score. Call me self-gratifying, but I've also spent way too long on this game and would like to milk its release for just a moment longer. Sorry about that.

More details can be found here.

Thanks again for playing-


Bobby has gone home!

It is my great pleasure (and relief) to announce to you that Bobby is Going Home 2 is (finally) finished! Thanks to everybody who has taken even a token look at the game and extra thanks to those who took time to get to know the game and to give me feedback. I'm really looking forward to working on a more complex game soon and hope that you'll join up with me. I know many of you are talented in design, programming, graphics, sound, and music and I think if we collaborated we could come up with something truly excellent.

The game is now available at bobbyisgoinghome2.com. Please feel free to mark up that page with any comments you might have. If you notice any glaring problems, please let me know and I'll fix them right away.

I'll provide more details regarding the launch "contest" later this week. Thanks again for playing.


Launch Imminent

Hey nobody in particular. Just a quick note- this is the last beta version before the final release of the game. (!) I've added some sound effects. If you have any last gripes, particularly about the sound effects or their volume, make them now, or forever hold your peace. Thanks for playin' and stay tuned- I'm almost there.


Bobby Geht Heim!!

Thanks for all your feedback and testing- I've made all the changes you suggested and there's now a new version available to play (The aptly titled Version 0.61B).

An instruction manual (PDF | 9 MB) has also been published, which you may want to consult to maximize thy score. Eventually, I'll be offering some sort of goodie (yes, how quaint, I know, a bribe to get you to play...) to whoever can send me a screenshot of the highest score. More info on that when I finally get the last version of the game out.

Right now there are just a few additional fixes and SFX to take care of. Thanks again for playing.

Pictured is German version of the original game, comically titled, 'BOBBY GEHT HEIM!"


Calling All Beta Testers!

Finally, I've finished my first pass at a decently complex Flash game. I've learned a lot (mostly what NOT to do) and anticipate being able to make a much better (both in terms of looks and functionality) game much more quickly next time (in case anyone wants to collaborate...) I'm still waiting on sound effects and some final tweaks, but otherwise the game is nearly complete. Before I release a final version I thought I'd make this beta version available to you, my trusted videogame-related friends on this abandoned blog, to get your valuable feedback on the game, how it plays, and any possible bugs that have eluded me. Really, any thoughts at all are appreciated.

Behold, the long-awaited sequel to the cult classic (not really), BOBBY IS GOING HOME 2!